Education: PhD., Mechanical Engineering, Sibley school of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University
Appointment: NASA Center for Advanced Measurements in Extreme Events, Associate Professor Mechanical Engineering, UTSA
Honors: AIAA Associate Fellow, National Academy of Science (NAS) Atmospheric Science and Climate committee member (2019-), Women Physicist award, 2017, Visiting Research scholar, Laboratoire des Écoulements Géophysiques et Industriels, Grenoble, France Fall 2017.
Committee: Committee of Meteorological Aspects of Air Pollution (CMAAP) of AMS, AIAA Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee member, American Physics Society External Affairs (Vice Chair)
Journal: Associate Editor Atmospheric Research letters, Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Journal of Flow Visualization and Imaging.
Dr. Kiran Bhaganagar
Bhaganagar had rigorous training as a Ph.D. student
under the guidance Prof John Lumley, world’s leading experts on turbulence. In the past 15 years
Bhaganagar established herself as an expert in the area of turbulent simulations and computational Fluid
dynamics. Bhaganagar has developed an expertise in the interdisciplinary areas of computational fluid
dynamics, Atmospheric and Environmental flows, Sensing technology, aerial drones and chemical gases.
Bhaganagar’s lab consists of 96-core supercomputing facility where they develop state-of-art computational tools including DNS, LES solvers for highly complex turbulent flows. Bhaganagar has state-of-art fleet of aerial drones, and a novel chemical-chamber to test atmospheric pollution. Bhaganagar has developed DNS and LES tools for
1. Rough-wall turbulent boundary layer using Immersed Boundary method
2. DNS of oscillatory/pulsatile flows over roughness.
3. WRF-LES macro/micro-interactions for buoyant-turbulent flows.
4. DNS of spatial transition to turbulence over a flat plate.