National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2019. Review of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management "Air Quality Modeling in the Gulf of Mexico Region" Study. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/25600. Authors: Russell Armistead, Kiran Bhaganagar, Bart Croes, Joost de gouw, Robert Yamertino and Qi Ying. Click here for pdf of full book
Journal Publications
Atmospheric Modeling and Plume Transport
Chang Chen and Kiran Bhaganagar, Energetics of Buoyancy Generated Turbulent flows with active scalar: Pure Buoyant Plume, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2022 (revision submitted)
Thanh Tran and Kiran Bhaganagar, PyPlume- A Python Framework for Characterization of Turbulent Plumes, Journal of Environmental Software, 2022 ( in reperation)
Tyrell Lewis and Kiran Bhaganagar, Configurable simulation strategies for testing pollutant plume source localization algorithms using autonomous multi-sensor mobile robots, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2022
Chang Chen and Kiran Bhaganagar, New Findings in Vorticity Dynamics of Turbulent Buoyant Plumes, Physics of Fluids,33, 115104, 2021
Thanh Tran and Kiran Bhaganagar, The four stage development of starting Buoyant plumes, Proceedings of the ASME 2021, Fluid Engineering division Summer Meeting, FEDSM2021-65540, August 10-12 2021.
Victor Martinez and Kiran Bhaganagar, Computational Fluid Dynamic analysis of the flow around a propeller blade of multirotor unmanned aerodynamic vehicle, Proceedings of the ASME 2021, Fluid Engineering division Summer Meeting, FEDSM2021-65771, August 10-12 2021.
S. BhimiReddy and K. Bhaganagar, Implementing a new formulation in WRF-LES for Buoyant Plume Simulations:bplume -WRF-LES model, Monthly Weather Review, 149(7): 2299:2219,2021
T. Lewis and K. Bhaganagar, A Comprehensive Review of Plume Source Localization Efforts Using Unmanned Vehicles for Environmental Sensing, Science of the Total Environment (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144029
K. Bhaganagar, S. Bhimireddy Local atmospheric factors that enhance air-borne dispersion of coronavirus - high-fidelity numerical simulation of COVID19 case study in real-time Environ. Res., 191 (2020), p. 110170, 10.1016/j.envres.2020.110170
Bhaganagar, K., & Bhimireddy, S. (2020). Numerical investigation of starting turbulent buoyant plumes released in neutral atmosphere. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 900, A32. doi:10.1017/jfm.2020.474
S. BhimiReddy and K. Bhaganagar, Role of input Meteorological fields on the performance of HYSPLIT model for plume dispersion, Air Quality , Atmosphere and Health 2020
Diganta Bhattacharjee, Kamesh SubbaRao and Kiran Bhaganagar, Nonlinear Model Predictive Control based Cooperative Plume Tracking using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2019
Sudheer, R. Bhimireddy & Kiran Bhaganagar, Large-Eddy Simulation of Atmospheric Boundary Layer during SageBrush Phase-I Tracer Experiments, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 9(12): 505, 2018
Sudheer R. Bhimireddy & Kiran Bhaganagar, Short-term passive tracer plume dispersion in convective boundary layer using a high-resolution WRF-ARW model, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 9:901-911, 2018
K. Bhaganagar & S. Bhimireddy, Assessment of the plume dispersion due to chemical attack on April 4, 2017, in Syria, Natural Hazards, 88(3):1893-1901,September, 2017
Wind Energy
Rajitha Meka, Adel Alaeddini and Kiran Bhaganagar, A robust deep learning framework for short-term wind power forecast of a full-scale wind farm, Energy, 2021
J. Nielson, K. Bhaganagar, R. Meka, A. Alaeddini, Using atmospheric inputs for Artificial Neural Networks to improve wind turbine power prediction, 117263, , 2019
J. Nielson and K. Bhaganagar,Using field data–based large eddy simulation to understand role of atmospheric stability on energy production of wind turbines, 43(6):625-638, Wind Engineering (2019)
Jordan Nielson & Kiran Bhaganagar, Capturing Day to Day Diurnal Variations of Stability in the Convective Atmospheric Boundary Layer Using Large Eddy Simulation, The open Atmospheric Science Journal, 12:107-131, 2018
Density Current and Oceanic Mixing
M. Nayamatullah, N. Pillalamarri & K. Bhaganagar, Large-Eddy-Simulation Approach in Understanding flow structures of 2-D Turbulent Density Currents over sloping surfaces, 20 (025506), Fluid Dynamics Research, 2018
K. Bhaganagar & N. Pillalamarri, Lock-Exchange Release Density Currents over 3-D Regular Regular Roughness Elements, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol 832:793-824, 2017
K. Bhaganagar, Role of head of turbulence 3-D density currents in mixing during slumping regime, Physics of Fluids, 020703, 2017
K. Bhaganagar, Direct numerical simulation of lock-exchange density currents over rough wall in slumping phase, Journal of Hydraulic Research, Volume 52, 2014 - Issue 3, 2014
DNS of Turbulent Flow Over Roughness
K.Bhaganagar, T. Gatski and W. George, Preface to special-topic: A tribute to John Lumley, Physics of Fluids, 020501, 2017
K. Bhaganagar et al, Editorial: Tributes to the lasting legacy of John Leask Lumley in turbulence: A perfect man in an imperfect world, Physics of Fluids, 020601, 2017
K. Bhaganagar and R. Leighton, Three level decomposition for the analysis of turbulent flow over rough-walls, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 6(2):257-265
K.Bhaganagar, Direct numerical simulation of unsteady flow in channel with rough walls, Physics of Fluids 20, 101508 (2008)
K. Bhaganagar, J. Kim and G.Coleman, "Effect of roughness on pressure fluctuations in a turbulent boundary layer", Physics of Fluids, 028103, 2007
Modeling of Stenotic Artery
K. Bhaganagar, C. Veeramachaneni*, C. Moreno*Significance of plaque morphology in modifying flow characteristics in a diseased coronary artery: Numerical simulation using plaque measurements from intravascular ultrasound imaging , Applied Mathematical Modeling, 37(7):5381-5393, 2013
R.Beaumont, K.Bhaganagar, B.Segee and B.Ozer, Using fuzzy logic for Morphological Classification of IVUS-based plaques in Coronary artery in the context of hydrodynamics, Soft Computing, 14: 265, 2010.
Invited Talks
Buoyant Turbulent Plumes: UTSA Wildland fire WRF-LES bplume model, UTSA WRF-LES-bplume model for WildFires” at the USFS NOAA Fire Weather Research MOU WG Meeting on Dec 9 2021
“Extreme Computing and Extreme Events in the Environment” at the IXPUG Annual Conference 2021,Oct 19-21, 2021, Keynote, https://www.ixpug.org/ixpug-2021
Overview of NASA CAMEE Research and the Artemis Mission, 2nd Annual Conference of Center for Advanced Measurements in Extreme Events, San Antonio, TX, August 2021
Implementation of buoyancy forcings using WRF-LES for Wildland Fire plumes, TACC Symposium, October, 2020
Grand Vision for Wind Energy, NAWEA WindTech Amherst, MA, 2019, Machine Learning Approach towards short term forecasting of wind turbine power production.
University di Roma tre, Rome, Italy, November 2017, Entrainment and mixing in ocean and role of lock-exchange release turbulent flows.
University of Lorraine, Nancy, France, October 2017, Framework of density currents over roughnes Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Barcelona, Spain, October 2017, Understanding turbulence mixing in oceanic and atmospheric flows from Simulations to UAV's
Laboratoire des Écoulements Géophysiques (LEGI), Grenoble. France, October 2017, Understanding role of roughness effects on turbulence mixing in Turbulence buoyancy driven flows
European Turbulence Conference (ETC16), Stockholm, Sweden, August 2017, Density currents over rough-walls: Relation between drag and mixing.
European Geophysical Unit, Vienna, April 2017, Few thoughts on Mixing and Entrainment of Lock-Release Turbulent Dense Currents over Rough-Surfaces
11th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modeling and Measurements, Palermo, Sicily, Italy, September 2016, Framework for Buoyancy-Driven Flows using Large Eddy Simulations.
EGU, Vienna, April 2016, Numerical investigation of entrainment of dense currents
Whither turbulence and big data, Cargese Institute, Corsica, April 2015,Effect of roughness on turbulence from lab-scales to atmospheric scales.
Work Shop on Challenges in Wind Energy: Future directions & Role of Wake Effects, August 9th, Pollachi, Coimbatore, India, 2015
Towards improved prediction of wakes of wind turbines, International Conference on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Environment, August 10-13,Pollachi, Coimbatore, India, 2015
Towards improved prediction of wake-wake interactions of wind turbine, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, 04/22/2014
Understanding density currents over rough-topography, Symposium on Fluid Dynamics, San Juan Puerto Rico, November 2013.